Kitabul Umrah – (English/Arabic)
There are certain important factors that every intending Mutamir (person going on Umrah) should be acquainted with prior to his departure. The Author Name(s) intended a simple and straight forward guide for the people going on Umrah and to help the prospective Mutamir perform his Umrah in manner which he will be a treasure during his lifetime.
This booklet is intended as a simple and straightforward guide for people going on Umrah. Although many detailed books are available, the prospective Mu’tamir (one performing Umrah) is strongly advised to master certain basic aspects before going into detailed matter and discussion. Another aim of this booklet is to make the prospective Mu’tamir independent of guides and their assistants. lbadat per formed by one’s self With a little understanding is far more satisfying than any impressive exercise performed by third parties.
The Mu’tamir must bear in mind that he is going for lbadat to the Haramain Sharif air (The Two Sacred Cities). Thus, he must utilise his time fruitfully and as carefully possible. The performance of Salah with Jamaat, the participation in as many Sunnats as possible, and the staying away from idle talk and gossip, are imperative. Also avoid the bazaars as far as possible.
Tahajjud Azaan is made over the amplifier system in both MeCCa and Medina. Try to get to the Masjid immediately as Tahajjud is the most superior of Nafl Salah.
Exercise patience as places are always crowded and pushing, bumping and other forms of poor conduct are seen regularly. People of various backgrounds and cultures come here. As a result, different standards of hygiene and behaviour will be encountered. Shocking standards of ignorance and illiteracy will be found. All this will have to be borne with tolerance.
Since the places being visited are sacred, one must avoid doing anything wrong or un-Islamic. Many of the Sahaba (R.A,) lived out of MeCCa, and not in the city or its immediate surroundings for the following reason:
“And he who intends therein (MeCCa) profanity or wrong doing we will make him taste a severe punishment.”
(Surah Haj-25)
Some of the Sahaba (R.A.) are on record as saying that they would father commit seventy wrongs outside MeCCa than one wrong in MeCCa proper. Not that they were wrongdoers, but to illustrate the high esteem in which they held the sanctity and holiness of these places.
Duas on leaving one’s home, during the journey, on entering and leaving the mastoid, etc. have been Included at the end of this booklet.
Try to be aware of your basic duas and duties. Consult the diagrams and terms given in this booklet. Too often, Muslims go on Umrah without having done any homework. While you are not expected to be knowledgeable about the finer details of Islamic jurisprudence, it is essential that one should have some insight of what is about to be a rewarding and inspiring experience. To this end, do some background reading on the Mubarak Cities of Medina and MeCCa.
Spend some time studying the life of our Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to enable you to share his experience in Medina Munawwarah and to trace back his footsteps When the holiest of Allah’s Books was revealed to him. Know your basic duas by heart.
A person who goes on Umrah without knowing Labaik is not doing justice to himself or his Lord. Remember too the purpose of your visit. If you wish to enjoy luxurious living and give course meals, then there are other more suitable places to visit. Spending as much time as possible in the Haramain should be your desire. lt is not necessary to be oCCupied solely in the making of Tawaf, although this is recommended, and to boast of the excessive number of tawafs you have made is an act of arrogance: Zikr in the Haram Shareef is important. Finally, if you have young children, take them with you to enable them to discover the unifying force that is Islam.
Additional information
Weight | 0.6 g |
Dimensions | 12 × 9 × 0.6 cm |
Author Name / Translator | Maulana M.S.Banoo |
Published by | Islamic Book Service P. Ltd – India |
ISBN | 9788172313920, 9788172313926 |
Select Binding Type & Box | Paper Back |
Publication Year | 1984 |
Weight (kg) | 0.5 |
Pages | 1-70 |
Dimensions | 12cm x 09cm |
Length (cm) | 12 |
Width (cm) | 9 |
Height (cm) | 0.6 |
Printing Colour | 1Col. |
Book Language(s) | English |