5 Basic Duties of Islam (L C) – (English/Arabic)
This is a Large Wall Mounting Laminated Chart consisting of the five basic acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers, and are the foundation of an Islamic Life.
₹60.00 -
Alif Ba Takhti – ( A-4 Size) – (Page Lamination Hard) – (Arabic/English) – (Multi-colour)
Alif Ba Takhti’ is an A4 size laminated collection of Arabic Alphabets for children and new muslims to familiarise them with the alphabets of thr Arabic language.
₹50.00 -
Alif Ba Takhti – (A-5 Size) – (Plastic Multi-colour)
Word Colouring Alif Ba Takhti for beginners of Arabic.
₹40.00 -
Arabic Alphabet – (LC) – (English/Arabic)
Flash Cards are a great learning aid as they make learning easy and fun.These Flash Cards are designed specifically for young children and a great way to introduce the Arabic alphabets.
₹100.00 -
Door Knob (Enter and Leave Home duas) – (Ref.No.02) – (English/Arabic)
This is a small laminated Door Knob style Chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered While Entering & Leaving Home written, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Door Knob (Intend to Sleep & Wake Up Duas) – (Ref.NO.01) – (English/Arabic)
This is a small laminated Door Knob style Chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered While Sleeping & Waking Up written, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Dua Abundance of Rizq – (Ref.No.003) – (Arabic/English)
This is a small laminated chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered for Abudance of Rizq and Safety Against Sickness, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Dua At The Time of Fasting – (Ref.No.007) – (Arabic/English)
This is a small laminated chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered At The Time of Fasting written, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Dua Before Drinking Water – (Ref.No.004) – (Arabic/English)
This is a small laminated chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered While Drinking Water written, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Dua Before Meals – (Ref.No.005) – (Arabic/English)
This is a small laminated chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered while Having Meals , in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.
₹40.00 -
Dua Before Sleeping – (Ref.No.006) – (Arabic/English)
This is a small laminated chart with a circumstantial supplication to be uttered Before Sleeping written, in Arabic with Engish Translation and Transliteration for quick memorization.